The Excellency

Class 8 Ch-5 ‘Industries’





  1. ‘Industry/manufacturing’ comes under which of the following activity?
  • Primary Activity
  • Secondary Activity
  • Tertiary Activity
  • Quaternary Activity

Ans- Secondary

2. Industries processing sea food or manufacturing fish oil are some examples of-

  • Agro based industry
  • Mineral based industry
  • Marine based industry
  • Forest based industry

Ans- Marine based industry

3. Which of the following industry is owned and operated by the producers or suppliers of raw materials, workers or both?

  • Private sector
  • Public sector
  • Joint sector
  • Cooperative sector

Ans- Cooperative sector

4. Choose the correct measure(s) that should be taken to reduce the risk of industrial disaster.

  • Densely populated residential areas should be separated far away from the industrial areas.
  • People staying in the vicinity of industries should be aware of the storage of toxins or hazardous substances and their possible effects in case if an accident occurs.
  • Fire warning and fighting system should be improved.
  • All of the above

Ans- All of the above

5. In which year was the first successful mechanized textile mill established in Mumbai?

  • 1854
  • 1964
  • 1920
  • 1864

Ans- 1854

6. Which industry is often called the backbone of modern industry?

  • Cotton textile industry
  • Iron and steel industry
  • Information technology industry
  • Jute industry

Ans- Iron and steel industry

7. _________ is an important textile centre of Japan, also known as the ‘Manchester of Japan’.

  • Namba
  • Nakazakicho
  • Osaka
  • Nakanoshima

Ans- Osaka

8. Fort Gloster is located in

  • West Bengal
  • California
  • Gujarat
  • Rajasthan

Ans- West Bengal

9. Which one of the following lakes is the largest lake?

  • Superior
  • Huron
  • Ontario
  • Michigan

Ans- Superior

10. Which one of the following is a natural fibre?

  • Nylon
  • Jute
  • Acryclic
  • Polyester

Ans – Jute


  1. What is secondary activity/manufacturing?

Ans. Secondary activity or manufacturing changes raw materials into products of more value to people. For example-The paper made from pulp and cloths made from cotton have had value added to them at each stage of the manufacturing process.

2. On what basis can industries be classified?

Ans. Industries are classified on the basis of raw materials, size and ownership.

3. Differentiate between small scale and large scale industries.

Small scale/Cottage/household industries

  • In these industries products are manufactured by hand by the artisans.
  • They use a lesser amount of capital and technology. 
  • For ex- Silk weaving and food processing industries

Large Scale Industries

  • They produce large volumes of products.
  • The investment of capital is higher.
  • The technology used is superior.
  • For ex- Automobiles and heavy machinery industries

4. Classify industries on the basis of raw materials.

Classification of industries on the basis of Raw Materials: agro-based, mineral-based, marine-based and forest-based. 

  • Agro-based industries use plant and animal-based products as their raw materials-examples are food processing, vegetable oil, cotton textile, dairy products and leather industries. 
  • Mineral based industries-primary industries use mineral ores as their raw materials- products of these industries feed other industries-one product is Iron made from iron ore- used as raw material for the manufacture of a number of other products, such as heavy machinery, building materials and railway coaches. 
  • Marine based industries- use products from the sea and oceans as raw materials- Given examples are Industries processing seafood or manufacturing fish oil. 
  • Forest based industries-utilise forest produce as raw material- industries associated with forests are pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, furniture and buildings.

5. Discuss the classifications of industries on the basis of Ownership.

Classifications of industries on the basis of Ownership are as follows-

  • Private Sector Industries- owned and operated by individuals or a group of individuals. For example- Reliance Industries Limited 
  • Public Sector Industries– owned and operated by the government, such as Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Steel Authority of India Limited. 
  • Joint Sector Industries-owned and operated by the state and individuals or a group of individuals. Maruti Udyog Limited is an example. 
  • Cooperative Sector Industries-owned and operated by the producers or suppliers of raw materials, workers or both-Anand Milk Union Limited and Sudha Dairy.

6. Define- Industrial regions.


  • Industrial regions emerge when a number of industries locate close to each other and share the benefits of their closeness.
  • For example- eastern North America, western and central Europe, eastern Europe and eastern Asia (Major Industrial Regions of the World).
  • They are located in the temperate areas, near seaports and especially near coalfields.

7. Explain industrial system with the help of examples.

Ans. The Industrial System consists of inputs, processes and outputs:

  • Inputs are the raw materials, labour and costs of land, transport, power and other infrastructure.
  • Processes include a wide range of activities that convert the raw material into finished products.
  • Outputs are the end product and the income earned from it.

8. What are the factors which affect the location of industries?


  • Availability of raw material, land, water, labour, power, capital, transport and market are the factors affecting location of industries.
  • Industries are usually located at areas where these are easily available.
  • Government provides incentives like subsidised power, lower transport cost and other infrastructure so that industries may be located in backward areas.

9. What is meant by industrial disaster? How can we reduce the risk of industrial disaster?

Ans. In industries, accidents/disasters mainly occur due to technical failure or irresponsible handling of hazardous material. This is known as industrial disaster.

Risk Reduction Measures

  • Densely populated residential areas should be separated far away from the industrial areas.
  • People staying in the vicinity of industries should be aware of the storage of toxins or hazardous substances and their possible effects in case if an accident occurs.
  • Fire warning and fighting system should be improved.
  • Storage capacity of toxic substances should be limited.
  • Pollution dispersion qualities in the industries should be improved.

10. Mention the location of major industrial regions of India and the world.


  • Major industrial regions of the world are eastern North America, western and central Europe, eastern Europe and eastern Asia.
  • Major industrial regions tend to be located in the temperate areas, near sea ports and especially near coal fields.
  • India has several industrial regions like Mumbai- Pune cluster, Bangalore-Tamil Nadu region, Hugli region, Ahmedabad-Baroda region, Chottanagpur industrial belt, Vishakhapatnam-Guntur belt, Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut region and the Kollam-Thiruvanathapuram industrial cluster.

11. Which industries are known as Sunrise Industries?

Ans. Emerging industries are also known as ‘Sunrise Industries’.

These include Information technology, Wellness, Hospitality and Knowledge.

12. Which industry is often called the backbone of modern industry and why?

Ans. Steel is often called the backbone of modern industry.

  • Almost everything we use is either made of iron or steel or has been made with tools and machinery of these metals.
  • Ships, trains, trucks, and autos are made largely of steel.
  • Even the safety pins and the needles you use are made from steel.
  • Oil wells are drilled with steel machinery. Minerals are mined with steel equipment.
  • Farm machines are mostly steel. Large buildings have steel framework.

13. Name major Iron and Steel plants in India.


Important steel-producing centres in India –Bhilai, Durgapur, Burnpur, Jamshedpur, Rourkela, Bokaro are situated in a region that spreads over four states — West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Bhadravati and Vijay Nagar in Karnataka, Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, Salem in Tamil Nadu.

14. The location of Iron and Steel industries has been changed over period of time. Explain the statement.

  • Before 1800 A.D. iron and steel industry was located where raw materials, power supply and running water were easily available.
  • Later the ideal location for the industry was near coal fields and close to canals and railways.
  • After 1950, iron and steel industry began to be located on large areas of flat land near sea ports. This is because by this time steel works had become very large and iron ore had to be imported from overseas.

15. Describe the important factors that affect the location of Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO) and Pittsburgh Iron and Steel industry.

Ans. The important factors that affect the location of Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO) are given below:

  • Only 32 km away from Kalimati station on the Bengal-Nagpur railway line
  • Close to the iron ore, coal and manganese deposits as well as to Kolkata, which provided a large market
  • TISCO gets coal from Jharia coalfields, and iron ore, limestone, dolomite and manganese from Odisha and Chhattisgarh
  • The Kharkai and Subarnarekha rivers ensured sufficient water supply
  • Government initiatives provided adequate capital for its later development


Ans. It is an important steel city of the United States of America. The steel industry at Pittsburgh enjoys the following locational advantages.

  • Some of the raw material such as coal is available locally, while the iron ore comes from the iron mines at Minnesota, about 1500 km from Pittsburgh.
  • Between these mines and Pittsburgh is one of the world’s best routes for shipping ore cheaply – the famous Great Lakes waterway.
  • Trains carry the ore from the Great Lakes to the Pittsburgh area.
  • The Ohio, the Monogahela and Allegheny rivers provide adequate water supply.
  • Finished steel is transported to the market by both land and water routes.

16. Mention the raw materials of textile industries.

Ans. Fibres are the raw material of textile industry. Fibres can be natural or man-made. Natural fibres are obtained from wool, silk, cotton, linen and jute. Man-made fibres include nylon, polyester, acrylic and rayon.

17. What are the locational advantages of textile mills at Ahmedabad and Osaka?


Ahmedabad/Manchester of India

Favourable locational factors responsible for the development of the textile industry in Ahmedabad are listed below:

  • Ahmedabad is situated very close to cotton growing area. This ensures easy availability of raw material.
  • The climate is ideal for spinning and weaving.
  • The flat terrain and easy availability of land is suitable for the establishment of the mills.
  • The densely populated states of Gujarat and Maharashtra provide both skilled and semi-skilled labour.
  • Well-developed road and railway network permits easy transportation of textiles to different parts of the country, thus providing easy access to the market. Mumbai port nearby facilitates import of machinery and export of cotton textiles.

Osaka: an important textile centre of Japan, also known as the ‘Manchester of Japan.’- geographical factors facilitating the growth of textile industry in Osaka are listed below:

  • Extensive plain around Osaka ensured that land was easily available for the growth of cotton mills
  • Warm humid climate is well suited to spinning and weaving
  • River Yodo provides sufficient water for the mills-Labour is easily available
  • Location of port facilitates import of raw cotton and for exporting textiles.
  • Labour is easily available.

The textile industry at Osaka depends completely upon imported raw materials. Cotton is imported from Egypt, India, China and the USA. The finished product is mostly exported and has a good market due to good quality and low price. Despite it being an important textile city in the country, of late, the cotton textile industry of Osaka has been replaced by other industries, such as iron and steel, machinery, shipbuilding, automobiles, electrical equipment and cement.

18. List any three problems faced by textile mills in Ahmedabad.


  • In the recent years, Ahmedabad textile mills have been having some problems.
  • Several textile mills have closed down.
  • This is primarily due to the emergence of new textile centres in the country as well as non -up gradation of machines and technology in the mills of Ahmedabad.